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Editing photos on your iPhone is super easy! I especially love that Adobe Lightroom Creative Cloud allows you to install presets onto the app. With this feature you are able to edit your photos on the go and upload them to your blog or Instagram in seconds.

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Disclaimer: I purchased the Featured Products in this post with my own money and all opinions are my own. I have not been paid anything to review these products for you. However, I do use affiliate links with various companies which means if you make a purchase via my link I receive a small commission which helps pay for my blog! Thank you for your support! You can read my full disclosure here.

The Backstory

Watch the video above for the tutorial or scroll down to read the instructions below on how to edit photos on your iPhone for your blog.

Recently I purchased some products from The Honey Pot Company, a plant-based feminine care system and felt inspired to share how wonderful this company and it’s products are with all of my readers in a creative way. First, this is not a sponsored post (Although I’d lovvvee to partner with this company in the future.)

Featured Brand’s Products: The Honey Pot Company Overnight Feminine Pads with Wings, Everyday Herbal-Infused Pantiliners, Feminine Hygiene Wipes for Normal Skin Types

I found out about the Honey Pot Company from a post shared on a trusted media site. This Black and women owned company was a featured vendor for the media outlet’s live event. I checked out their Instagram feed and was pleasantly surprised to come across so many women’s empowerment posts. One that stood out for me stated, “My pussy. My choice. My body. My voice.” and the caption affirming women’s rights by stating “Damn straight”, followed by three cat face emojis. I thought woah, what a bold feminist stance. I went on to read that their founder and CEO, Bea Feliu-Espada struggled with bacterial vaginosis. She states on the company’s website, “One night, an ancestor visited me in a dream and gifted me with a vision to heal myself.” Immediately I knew this was a brand my audience could get behind. At Hello Ambi’s core, myself and this blog value community over competition, high quality content and most importantly being rooted in self care. These three values guide my life and foster the creative workstyle at Hello Ambi Designs & Hosting.

Content Creators can’t actually be successful without high quality content. Their purpose is to spark engagement with a brand’s audience. I’m blown away by the online marketing strategy and product positioning where this company has boldly taken a stance. I am deeply inspired to act! You can expect that the brands behind the content creation I share with Hello Ambi will be intentional and engage my audience in being strong advocates for human rights. I believe this is what sets me apart as a blogger and a business owner.

Many of you who have followed my journey, know that I started blogging at the intersection of Spirituality and Sexuality with my blog Cup of Expresso discussing Christian Cishet relationships (Silly me! I knew nothing about love, gender or sexuality fr fr, but I did feel close to God) and then moved into makeup artistry and fitness blogging later. I won both the Iman Cosmetics and Motives for LaLa YouTube contests. I also shared my fitness journey in the NPC bodybuilding world.

Now, I really believe bringing my authentic self to my current blog biz and community HelloAmbi.com, will require magnifying how I’ve used tech as a content creator to express myself and share my message. No, I’m not interested in doing makeup tutorials anymore. (Although, I did contemplate quitting my job and becoming a YouTube guru at one point.) 

I will be moving towards a influencer approach and highlighting brands that are aligned with my audience. So naturally I’ll be showcasing Black and women owned cosmetics, fashion and wellness brands in my work and on my blog. Most importantly, at the core of who I am, is the daughter of the greatest creator of all times, God.

For the past month and a half I’ve been rebranding both my company and my greatest project to date… myself. The other day, friend and fellow podcaster, Ashley Nina Ciera introduced me to a colleague as a “ReInventor” and that couldn’t have been more accurate. Somewhere along the way I started following perfectly curated lifestyles on IG and “do it for the culture” life-casters and I lost who I was before the world told me… I developed the scarcity mindset of a hobbyist and I’m ready to step into my true self and answer the real questions “who am I?”, “who are my people?” And “where am I leading them?”. Time to turn the page or in this case, focus the lens. Keep reading if you want to know how I edit my photos on my iphone for my current blog.

Watch the video above or read the instructions below and I’ll show you how to install your presets on Lightroom CC and editing photos on your iPhone for your blog or Instagram page.

LR Preset Import & Installation

Step 1.
Download the Adobe Lightroom CC App & Dropbox from the iTunes mobile App Store. (If you don’t already have an account, it’s quick and free for both!)

Step 2.
Follow instructions to download your Lightroom preset file from your vendor. (You can find beautiful ones on Creative Market. Once the .zip is downloaded, you may need to transfer a pdf with the link to your phone via email, text message, Airdrop, Dropbox or direct PC/phone connection.) If the vendor has saved the preset on Dropbox, The link will open the Dropbox app to the appropriate folder

Step 3.
Click on each .dng file (these are the presets!) and export them to your phone camera roll. This need to be done for every single preset.

Step 4.
Open the Lightroom app, Click the (+) in the top right corner to create 2 albums. Label one “photos” and the other the title of the preset collection.

Step 5.
Click the 3 dots on the “Presets“ folder and then click “Add Photos“. Now click “Camera Roll“ and select all the DNG files and add them into the album. Repeat this on the photos album, only instead of importing the DNG files, import any photos you want to edit from your phone’s camera roll. This will keep your files organized!

Note: DNG files will appear all black or all white in the camera roll, this is normal, the correct icon will appear once uploaded in Lightroom.

Step 6.
With your photos now uploaded, you may click on any of the presets and try them out.

Step 7.
Next, click the 3 dots on the top right and then click “copy settings”
Leave everything selected and click “ok”.

Step 8.
Go back to your “photos” album and select the desired image you would like to edit first. Click on the 3 dots on the top right and then paste settings.

The preset will now be applied.

Pro Tip: Content Creators and Pro Photographers have been using these tools to speed up the process and add a creative touch and artsy flair for years. If your goal is to create a cohesive look to all of your Instagram photos or blog images, you can copy settings from past images you’ve edited in the app and paste them on to new photos. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]*As stated in the article, I purchased these products with my own money. This is not a sponsored post.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1547924352038{background-image: url(https://www.digital.helloambi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/HelloChic-BlogGridBG-2.jpg?id=456) !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

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