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One of the first struggles new bloggers have is often deciding on the perfect domain name. If you’re having a difficult time nailing your domain name down, keep reading.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”4100″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Maybe you have a blog name, but your exact domain name isn’t available and you need to decide on a proper TDL or perhaps you are wondering about… Hopefully you already know that you should own your domain name and not be using a subdomain from someone else’s company and site. If not and you want to know what I’m talking about, read The Newbie’s Guide to Starting a WordPress Blog in 2019. A domain name that is yours is always more professional and direct. Show your readers that your blog means business and that this thang ain’t for play, play. Below I’ve listed 3 common struggles I’ve seen new bloggers face when trying to choose a blog name for a new blog. Of course, I’m not leaving you hanging. I’ve listed some solutions for each struggle, too. Read on, reader!

Domain Name Struggles

3 common struggles I’ve seen new bloggers face when trying to choose a blog name for a new blog

Struggle #1: Your Blog Name isn’t available as a Domain Name

Solution: There are a lot of blogs out there, some of which aren’t even publishing content anymore. So if your blog name isn’t available, it doesn’t mean that it’s actually in use. Someone may have even purchased the domain and is holding on to it with the intentions of selling it. If you want to know if the domain is actually in use, all you need to do is a quick search. Paste the url into your browser and click go. Does the domain name take you to an outdated blog or to a 404 error page (often used when someone hasn’t paid their hosting fees)? If the url takes you to an outdated blog, search for the contact info on the blog and reach out to the blog owner. Make an offer to buy the domain from them. If the url takes you to a 404 error page, reach out to the hosting company to inquire about purchasing the domain. This option will always be an expensive route because the current owner and hosting company has the upper hand and wants to make a profit off of you. It’s my suggestion that you move on and find a new domain name that works just as well for your blog’s brand.

Struggle #2: .com isn’t available for your domain name

Solution: Have you ever searched for your domain only to discover that it’s already in use? We’ll have no fear, consider using a different TLD domain extension. A TLD or gTLD simply means a generic top level domain. The TLD extension is referencing the domain name ending (i.e. .com, .net, .org) These are the most common domain extensions. However Hundreds of new endings, like .guru and .tips, are now available to register. If you are looking for a domain extension that isn’t listed on HelloAmbi.com, simply email support@digital.helloambi.com and will send you a quote for pricing.

Struggle #3: Your blog name is too long to use as a domain name

Solution: There are so many options for a domain name. Do not worry about having the exact title of your blog as the domain name. Instead consider other options that are better for search engine optimization purposes. Maybe you are a fitness blogger and your blog includes health and wellness in the title. It’s already too long to be a domain name. You can shorten the name to be based on the niche topic plus location or target market. For example, if you blog about plant based foods, you can mix plants with your location (i.e. plantbasednyc.com or plantbased.nyc). Does your blog have a special target market? It should! What problem do you solve for them? Maybe you are a beauty guru that tackles acne problems for athletes. Combine the problem with the type of people you want to attract to your blog (i.e. acnefreeathletes.com or acnefreeathletes.blog)

Now that you’ve discovered all the ways to choose a domain name that will work for your blog, what’s stopping you from getting started? Use the box below to search for your domain name. If you have a question about domain names, email support@digital.helloambi.com and we’ll offer our support. Once you’ve secured your blog’s domain name you’re ready to select your hosting plan.


Pro Tip: If you are buying with Hello Ambi Designs & Hosting, all of the hosting plans come with a FREE .com domain. Get started now and save on your domain name.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1547924352038{background-image: url(https://www.digital.helloambi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/HelloChic-BlogGridBG-2.jpg?id=456) !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Get Started!

Get your domain name below.

